Brick B is a brown red (Aubergine red frozen) moulded brick produced using the Wasserstrich method. It carries both our Hand-Made label and the ECO-7-size label. Our Hand-Made label guarantees a strong, natural nuance. The unsanded Brick B also carries the ECO-7-size label because it is 7 cm deep, unlike the classic Waal format which is 10 cm deep. Minerals are added during the production process to give this facing brick a unique surface texture.
The project lies in the middle of a block in the Conforta district and consists of a passive crèche, an underground car park and seven passive homes with a large roof terrace and four compact smaller homes.
In the middle of the block is a large oblong garden.
CAW Oost-Vlaanderen is in the process of constructing an office building with primary care facilities and 16 short-stay units on the site of a former brewery in the heart of Sint-Gillis-bij-Dendermonde.
The former building at 312 Hackney Road was a war-damaged end of terrace, externally braced and internally propped. It stood like this for years to prevent collapse following World War II bomb damage.
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