Facing brickslinea 7035

Technical data sheets

Color description
The colour is light grey with nuances through and through and with beige accents..
Manufacturing dimensions (L x W x H)
ca. 248x117x38 mm (LxWxH)
Quantity / m² with a traditional joint
77 (12 mm)
Number / m² with a thin joint
90 (6 mm)

case studie linea 7035

Block 18 Nieuw Zuid, Antwerp: Linea 7036 and 7035 with flush brushed joints help to realise the solid appearance of this special building

Block 18 Nieuw Zuid, Antwerp: Linea 7036 and 7035 with flush brushed joints help to realise the solid appearance of this special building

Striking residential block at Nieuw Zuid in Antwerp gives a nod to Italian palazzi

Nieuw Zuid in Antwerp is a beautiful and contemporary form of urban development. The site of a former freight train station has been transformed, creating a more pleasant and liveable city.

Seven-story modern structure in facing brick linea 7035 and 7036 complementing historical craftsmanship

Seven-story modern structure in facing brick linea 7035 and 7036 complementing historical craftsmanship

Crucial role of facing brick serving aesthetic purpose and material harmony

The Villa Wiesental, a historic Gründerzeit villa built in 1878 by architect Daniel Oertli, stood as a testament to the craftsmanship and grandeur of its time. Commissioned by Konrad Menet Tanner, a wealthy textile merchant, the villa and its garden in St. Gallen, Switzerland, fell into disrepair after years of neglect. To ensure its preservation and reintegration into modern urban life, the owners proposed a thoughtful redevelopment plan. Central to this transformation was the construction of a seven-story modern structure adjacent to the villa, designed to complement its historical significance. At the heart of this architectural narrative was the selection and use of facing bricks, which not only served aesthetic purposes but also played a crucial role in the project's conceptual and material harmony.


Search by city

Reference list linea 7035
Postal code City Street Bond Joint Joint colour Window Roofing Remarks
9300 Aalst Brusselsesteenweg 59
9880 Aalter Loveldlaan 48 Random bond 12 mm
1361 CG Almere Jesse Owenstraat 64 Random bond 10 mm
1361 DB Almere Noorderduinstraat 701 Random bond 6 mm
7495 PA Ambt Delden Wiener Benteler Scheidingsweg 7 Random bond 12 mm
9150 Bazel Nobeekstraat Random bond 12 mm
6191 EN Beek Herenhofstraat 19 Random bond 12 mm
5056 RC Berkel-Enschot Nieuwe Warande 71 Random bond 12 mm
9290 Berlare Hertekant 4 Random bond 6 mm
9120 Beveren Zillebeek 36 Random bond 10 mm
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How to Install ?

Preparation of the construction site

Quality brickwork starts with the proper storage of the materials. Provide a firm level base so that bricks are not in contact with rain and/or dirt.  
As clay is a natural material, successive production runs of the same kind of bricks may present colour variations and size tolerances.
The following precautions will help minimizing this:
  • Always order the full amount of bricks required for a specific site. In this way, the entire order can be made during one production run.
  • Try to have the full order supplied at one time. If this creates several deliveries, always mix a number of packs from the previous delivery with a number of packs from the new delivery. This procedure is especially recommended in case of re-order or for an additional order.
  • Take bricks diagonally across the pack.
  • Draw and use bricks from at least five different packs.
  • For setting out, use bricks from the delivery made to the site in question. Do not exclusively use the theoretical dimensions of the brick, or samples previously supplied, or different production run from that intended for the site.
  • As soon as the bricks arrive on site, check delivery tickets and certificates against the specification and order. Also check that there are no visible inconsistencies with the order.
  • Do not lay bricks in freezing weather or protect the ‘fresh’ masonry with insulating mats in order to avoid frost damage to the mortar.
  • In the case of prolonged dry hot weather, lightly dampen the newly laid brickwork to stop the mortar drying and curing too quickly.
  • Do not lay bricks in precipitation in order to prevent mortar from running on the wall.

Avoid Efflorescence

Brickwork is sometimes marred by white bloom. This efflorescence is usually caused because bricklaying is done under unfavourable weather conditions. The necessary protective measures are often not implemented due to a tight schedule and fast building pace. In very wet conditions, water in soluble substances can result in efflorescence on the surface. In spring as well as autumn, after a wet period (when the brickwork has dried again), soluble substances can rise to the surface as a result of moisture transport. After evaporation of the water, a white bloom is left behind. (Source: Efflorescence on brickwork – Heidelberg Cement Group)
Efflorescence on brickwork is always likely to occur. There is no brick - or combination of a certain brick with a specific mortar - that is absolutely efflorescence-free. By taking a few simple precautions, the risk of efflorescence can be reduced.
  • During and after laying, protect the newly built brickwork for a height of at least 60 cm - but ensure there is airspace between the brick face and the waterproof covering.
  • Provisionally install rainwater down pipes to avoid saturation of the newly laid brickwork
  • Never lay bricks in driving rain conditions