Introducing Brickworks Vande Moortel


Two impressive hexagonal towers in London with Nature10 Brick E & Brick S

Karakusevic Carson Architects and David Chipperfield Architects designed Hoxton Press Towers in London’s Hackney

ARCHITECTS: Karakusevic Carson Architects & David Chipperfield Architects
BRICKS: Nature 10 Brick E Nature10 Brick S

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Hoxton Hoxton


Christophe D'haene
Export Manager


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Our ecological Brick7-size: More than 10.000 references and more than 10 years of know-how


Discover the story and the brick behind this iconic design.

Handmade bricks of a different colour are used on each tower. A single brick type, NATURE10, is used throughout; fired once to create the red Brick E on the eastern tower and fired twice for the blue/grey Brick S on the western one. The buildings are rotated in relation to one another to maximise daylight, views, and to minimise overlooking and loss of light to neighbouring new buildings. The result is a dynamic composition that addresses its urban context in all directions.

Click here for the full story with pictures

Photos: © Patrick Clarke, © Peter Landers, © Emanuelis Stasaitis


Brickworks Vande Moortel, high quality facing bricks, slips and pavers